haku: @journal_id 1435 / yhteensä: 46
viite: 36 / 46
Tekijä:Xu, Fengxian
Otsikko:A cross-century difficult problem: measures to narrow the gap between the east and the west (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Future and Development (c)
1996 : 5, p.11-13
Tiivistelmä:To narrow the gap between the east and the west, we should take the following measures: practicing superiority-based development strategy and river valley based development strategy which will help alleviate the widening gap between these areas; increasing properly the state's investment and foreign investment in the central and western areas and accelerating the development of infrastructure and basic industries; speeding up the development of township enterprises and small towns and cities; making poverty alleviation drive proceed at a quicker pace and enhancing the quality of laborers; expediting opening to the outside world; shunning "cutting with one knife" for the state's macro economic policy; establishing correspondingly a ownership structure with dominant public ownership and coexistence of multiple ownership.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 159205
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