haku: @indexterm KENYA / yhteensä: 46
viite: 16 / 46
Tekijä:Redfern, P.
Otsikko:Private sector vital for economy
Lehti:African Business
2003 : 284, p. 16-17
Tiivistelmä:After the December elections which saw a new party and a new President at the helm in Kenya, the most important aspect from an international viewpoint will be the management of the economy. With the dust beginning to settle on a dramatic few weeks which saw the ousting for the first time ever of a Kanu government, the key issue facing Kenya from an international perspective is restoring investor confidence. Up until the election, there were some positive signs in that inflation had been brought under control and the exchange rate was stable. The paper consider the private sector in Kenya and states that unlike many African countries, it is still relatively strong and it was this strength which probably saved the economy from collapse during the many years when the various aid programmes were suspended or cut back.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 243464
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