haku: @indexterm PRICE DISCRIMINATION / yhteensä: 46
viite: 3 / 46
Tekijä:Gaggero, A.A.
Piga, C.A.
Otsikko:Airline market power and intertemporal price dispersion
Lehti:Journal of Industrial Economics
2011 : DEC, VOL 59:4 p. 552-577
price discrimination
market structure
United Kingdom
Irish Republic
Tiivistelmä:This study analyzes the empirical relationship between market structure and price dispersion in the airline markets in the routes connecting the U.K. and the Republic of Ireland. Price dispersion is measured by the Gini coefficient and calculated using fares posted on the Internet at certain days before takeoff. We control for passengers' heterogeneity in their traveling purposes, and also for specific peak periods as Christmas and Easter. We find a negative correlation between competition and price dispersion, suggesting that competition is likely to impede the airlines' ability to do price discrimination, although this impact appears to be less substantial in peak periods.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275188
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