haku: @indexterm Consumer attitudes / yhteensä: 469
viite: 92 / 469
Tekijä:Pashupati, K.
Otsikko:"I know this brand, but did I like the ad?" An investigation of the familiarity-based sleeper effect
Lehti:Psychology & Marketing
2003 : NOV, VOL. 20:11, p. 1017-1043
Consumer attitudes
Television advertising
Tiivistelmä:An experiment was designed to investigate the existence of the familiarity-based sleeper effect proposed by Moore and Hutchinson (1983, 1985). Also the effects of advertisement repetition were investigated on the relationship between attitude toward the ad and attitude toward the brand. Television commercials, embedded in a 30-minute television program, were used as stimuli. The data that was gained did not support the existence of a sleeper effect, and provided limited support for the other hypotheses proposed in the study.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255739
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