haku: @freeterm PERSONALPOLITIK / yhteensä: 47
viite: 16 / 47
Tekijä:Hailey, J.
Otsikko:Expatriates: breaking through the glass ceiling. Series HR in East Asia (Auslandsfiliale, Personaleinsatzplanung , Fernost)
Lehti:People Management
1996 : JUL 11, VOL. 2:14, p. 32-34,37
Tiivistelmä:Do expatriates play a valuable role or are their jobs better filled by managers with local expertise? The third in a series of articles on East Asia outlines research that provides good reasons for sending many expatriates home, while an additional article describes how Royal Brunei Airlines went about developing local staff to replace its almost entirely expatriate workforce.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 153958
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