haku: @indexterm Risk behaviour / yhteensä: 47
viite: 24 / 47
Tekijä:Menon, G.
Block, L. G.
Ramanathan, S.
Otsikko:We're at as Much Risk as We Are Led to Believe: Effects of Message Cues on Judgments of Health Risk
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Research
2002 : MAR, VOL. 28:4, p. 533-549
Tiivistelmä:One of the greatest challenges in advertising health- related information is overcoming the target audiences' self-positivity bias (i.e., the tendency for people to believe that they are invulnerable to disease). In this article, the authors show that the self-positivity bias hinders message processing, and the authors demonstrate that message cues can reduce this bias and engage people in more precautionary thinking and behavior. The authors identify the process by which risk-behavior cues provided in the message affect people's estimates of their vulnerability (self-risk estimates), depth of message processing, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. The authors test and find support for the authors' theory in three studies that specify the types of risk behaviors.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 238012
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