haku: @freeterm IDENTITY / yhteensä: 47
viite: 39 / 47
Tekijä:Forehand, M. R.
Deshpandé, R.
Reed II, A.
Otsikko:Identity salience and the influence of differential activation of the social self-schema on advertising response
Lehti:Journal of Applied Psychology
2002 : DEC, VOL 87:6, p. 1086-1099
Vapaa asiasana:IDENTITY
Tiivistelmä:The authors examined how identity primes and social distinctiveness influence identity salience (i.e. the activation of a social identity within an individual's social self-schema) and subsequent responses to targeted advertising. Across 2 studies, individuals who were exposed to an identity prime (an ad element that directs attention to the individual's social identity) and who were socially distinctive (minorities in the immediate social context) expressed systematically different evaluations of spokespersons and the advertisements that featured them.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 243723
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