haku: @indexterm Risk behaviour / yhteensä: 47
viite: 21 / 47
Tekijä:Heinemann, F.
Illing, G.
Otsikko:Speculative attacks: unique equilibrium and transparency
Lehti:Journal of International Economics
2002 : DEC, VOL. 58:2, p. 429-450
Asiasana:Financial theory
Equilibrium analysis
Game theory
Risk behaviour
Tiivistelmä:The authors apply the method of Morris and Shin (Amer. Econ. Rev. 1998, 587-597) to a broader class of probability distributions and show - using the technique of iterated elimination of dominated strategies - that their results continue to hold, even if they allow for sunspots and individual uncertainty about strategic behaviour of other agents. For a case of uniform distribution of noisy signals, they show that increased transparency of government policy reduces the likelihood of attacks.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 245572
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