haku: @journal_id 556 / yhteensä: 472
viite: 62 / 472
Tekijä:Bryan, J.
Otsikko:Training and performance in small firms
Lehti:International Small Business Journal
2006 : DEC, VOL. 24:6,, p. 635-660
Asiasana:companies by size
company growth
company performance
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores the relationship between training and growth in small manufacturing businesses. Research on tranining undertaken at the macro-level highlights a series of earnings and productivity returns. However, company-level research has generally yielded more ambiguous results. A review of small companies research indicates that the relationship between training and growth has rarely been considered within the wider context of other factors that may influence growth. Training literature also appears to be more concerned, perversely, with its impacts of company inputs (employment growth) rather than output (sales) growth. These considerations are examined with respect to two types of tranining (in-house training and ex-house management training).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264667
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