haku: @journal_id 556 / yhteensä: 472
viite: 33 / 472
Tekijä:Lee, R.
Jones, O.
Otsikko:Networks, communication and learning during business start-up: The creation of cognitive social capital
Lehti:International Small Business Journal
2008 : OCT, VOL. 26:5, p. 559-594
Asiasana:new enterprise
human capital
Vapaa asiasana:social capital
Tiivistelmä:This comparative study investigates the characteristics of nascent entrepreneurs' (here as: n-entrprs.) cognitive social capital (as: soc-cap.) created through face-to-face (as: f-to-f.) and electronic communication (as: e-comm). The n-entrprs. had trained on two distinct courses: Science Enterprise Challenge (SEC) and the New Entrepreneur Scholarship (NES). The quantitative and qualitative findings show strong similarities btw. the two groups as to their f-to-f. comm. etc. Clear differences were found btw. the groups' ability to benefit from e-comm. during bridging. NES entrprs. used email unwillingly, being unable to access to the same resources as the SEC group. The conclusion is that the NES entrprs. were less able to create cognitive soc-cap. electronically, which limited both their learning and ability to get broader business backing incl. emotional support, information, advice, equipment etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267453
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