haku: @journal_id 1253 / yhteensä: 48
viite: 41 / 48
Tekijä:Hribernik, F.
Otsikko:Is it possible to reduce traffic fatalities on slovenian roads by planning?
Lehti:IB revija
1994 : VOL. 28:10-11, p. 30-39
Vapaa asiasana:Slovenia, road traffic, traffic safety,
traffic accidents, analysis,
international comparisons, planning,
training, politics, legislation,
Tiivistelmä:The article deals with question how to reduce the number of traffic accidents and their consequences on Slovenian roads.The comparison with developed (European) countries indicates that Slovenia has significantly higher death-rate per 100.000 habitants and relatively great number of injured participants in trafic fatalities in spite of lower rate of motorization, too.In the last decade in average more than 500 people died annually on Slovenian roads and about 7.500 were injured.The experiences of developed countries show that the multidimensional traffic field and traffic safety must be planned carefully, included traffic net and its equipment, different traffic means, activities of different competent state institutions, and traffic education.Traffic rules comparable with European standards only by themselves will not reduce significantly tragic consequences of current traffic happening.Only by simultaneous and planned activities of all participants in road traffic it will be possible to achieve synergetic effect for traffic safety.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 145736
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