haku: @indexterm Telework / yhteensä: 48
viite: 5 / 48
Tekijä:Taskin, L.
Devos, V.
Otsikko:Paradoxes from the individualization of human resource management
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2005 : NOV II, VOL. 62:1, p. 13-24
Asiasana:human resource management
information technology
Tiivistelmä:This article investigates how a managerial and organizational innovation as telework contributes to the process of individualization, and the paradoxes it brings along to management. It is shown that teleworking is a flexible arrangement, which meets employees' and employer's demands - which is characteristics of the process of individualization - by simultaneously fragmenting collectivity, exposing individuals to social risk, and producing exclusion. Attention is paid to two consecutive paradoxes of such individualized managerial practices: the individual-collective dilemma and the autonomy-control paradox.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 261671
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