haku: @indexterm Telework / yhteensä: 48
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Tekijä:Taskin, L.
Bridoux, F.
Otsikko:Telework: A challenge to knowledge transfer in organizations
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2010 : OCT-DEC, VOL. 21:13-15 p. 2503-2520
Asiasana:knowledge management
Vapaa asiasana:knowledge transfer
organizational social knowledge
Tiivistelmä:Teleworking is often considered both employee- and employer-friendly. The article questions this view by demonstrating how it may endanger a company's knowledge base and competitive advantage due to lack of knowledge transfer between teleworkers and non-teleworkers. Based on literature on knowledge, the article presents relational and cognitive components of organizational socialization as important facilitators of knowledge transfer, and shows how teleworking might have a negative effect on these components, depending on its location, perception, and frequency.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272907
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