haku: @author Hansen, G. / yhteensä: 5
viite: 3 / 5
Tekijä:Hansen, G.
Kim, J.-R.
Otsikko:Money and inflation in Germany: a cointegration analysis
Lehti:Empirical Economics
1996 : VOL. 21:4, p. 601-616
Tiivistelmä:This paper analyses the relation between money and inflation in Germany in a cost-push/demand-pull model of an open small economy by means of cointegration methods. The full-information-maximum-likelihood method of Johansen as well as structural methods are applied to data subsets and the full data set. The focus of the paper is on tests for overidentifying restrictions and for weak and strong exogeneity within these data sets. The result of the paper is that the money stock, the price level and gross national product are endogenous whereas the interest rate and the real import price are both weakly and strongly exogenous.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 155156
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