haku: @author Simon, C. / yhteensä: 5
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Tekijä:Simon, C.
Otsikko:Human capital and metropolitan employment growth
Lehti:Journal of Urban Economics
1998 : MAR, VOL. 43:2, p. 223-243
Tiivistelmä:The author proposes that cities with higher average levels of human capital should experience faster employment growth. Using data on all US metropolitan areas (MSAs) over the period 1940-86, the author found a positive, large, and persistant relationship between human capital and MSA growth. The author also found evidence of spillovers between cities within MSAs: city employment growth was positively related to human capital elsewhere within the MSA. However, differences between cities in human capital helped explain differences in employment growth within MSAs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 173308
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