haku: @author Bartov, E. / yhteensä: 5
viite: 2 / 5
Tekijä:Bartov, E.
Mohanram, P.
Seethamraju, C.
Otsikko:Valuation of Internet stocks - an IPO perspective
Lehti:Journal of Accounting Research
2002 : MAY, VOL. 40:2, p. 321-346
Asiasana:Initial public offerings
Tiivistelmä:Valuations of Internet companies are empirically investigated at various stages of the initial public offering (IPO) from two perspectives. First, the association between the valuation of Internet IPOs and a set of financial and nonfinancial variables, which prior anecdotal or empirical evidence suggests mat serve as value drivers is examined. Second, differences in IPO valuations between Internet and non-Internet companies as well as across different stages in the IPO process are documented within each set of companies.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254657
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