haku: @author Jones, M.J. / yhteensä: 5
viite: 3 / 5
Tekijä:Jones, M.J.
Roberts, R.
Otsikko:International publishing patterns: An investigation of leading UK and US accounting and finance journals
Lehti:Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
2005 : JUN/JUL, VOL 32:5-6, p. 1107-1140
Asiasana:Publishing industry
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:Research quality is often measured by the quality of the journals in which articles are published. This article looks at more than 1.800 articles published in 12 highly-rated U.K. and U.S. academic journals btw. 1996 and 2000. The authors publishing in the U.K. journals come mainly from U.K. and U.S. institutions (hereafter as: instns.), but just over a third come from other countries. However, almost 90 percent of authors publishing in top U.S. journals come from U.S. instns. Contributions from authors from instns. in non-English speaking countries in these top journals are rare. The research implications are that although accounting is growing increasingly international, academic research, especially in the top U.S. journals remains stubbornly nationally-orientated.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257912
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