haku: @author Pethig, R. / yhteensä: 5
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Tekijä:Eichner, T.
Pethig, R.
Otsikko:Economic land use, ecosystem services and mircofounded species dynamics
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
2006 : NOV, VOL. 52:3, p. 707-720
land use
Tiivistelmä:This paper proposes a ecosystem submodel, which yields population growth function with each species' growth depending on the size of habitat. First the authors investigate the relationship between habitat and species growth. The laissez-faire economy is shown to result in an underprovision of habitat making the case for land use restrictions for nature protection. The optimal land use policy is characterized with full regard of ecosystem dynamics. Lastly , labour-augmenting technical change is introduced to generate ever increasing pressure towards further habitat reductions. In the laissez-faire economy the habitat is consequently squeezed to zero in the long-run so that all species are doomed. Social optimality demands, however, to avoid using all land for economic purposes in spite of growing labour productivity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263178
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