haku: @author Schwartz, M. S. / yhteensä: 5
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Tekijä:Kaptein, M.
Schwartz, M. S.
Otsikko:The effectiveness of business codes: A critical examination of existing studies and the development of an integrated research model
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2008 : JAN II, VOL. 77:2, p. 111-127
Asiasana:business ethics
codes of practice
Tiivistelmä:Business codes are common in modern business organizations. However, the research into the effectiveness of those codes has produced mixed results. The problems with existing research are caused by varying definitions of key terms, deficiencies of in the empirical data, and a lack of theory. This paper assesses five essential components for effective future research in business codes. Those are valid methodology, sufficient control variables, different impacts, proving causality, and a substantial time frame.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266857
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