haku: @indexterm COMPETITOR ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 50
viite: 7 / 50
Tekijä:Muthukrishnan, A. V.
Warlop, L.
Alba, J. W.
Otsikko:The Piecemeal Approach to Comparative Advertising
Lehti:Marketing Letters
2001 : VOL. 12:1, p. 63-73
Tiivistelmä:When attempting to portray the attractiveness of a brand vis-a-vis its competitors, an ad may make global claims about superiority or specific claims about one or more attributes. A special case of latter is the piecemeal ad in which the advertised brand is compared to a competitor on one attribute, a different competitor on a second attribute, another competitor on a third attribute, and so on. The present research demonstrates the effectiveness of this technique and explores the parameters of its influence. The authors find that piecemeal messages are persuasive because they make seemingly strong claims in a believable manner. Consumer skepticism appears to arise only when conditions for scrutiny are very favorable.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 228279
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