haku: @indexterm Sustainable development / yhteensä: 501
viite: 32 / 501
Tekijä:Bhamra, T.
Lilley, D.
Tang, T.
Otsikko:Design for sustainable behaviour: Using products to change consumer behaviour
Lehti:Design Journal
2011 : DEC, VOL. 14:4, p. 427-445
Asiasana:consumer behaviour
sustainable development
product design
product life cycle
design management
case studies
Vapaa asiasana:household durables
mobile phones
Tiivistelmä:Sustainable design takes into consideration environmental, economic and social impacts enacted throughout the product life cycle. This paper presents the results of research examining the application of Design for Sustainable Behaviour (DfSB) in two product case studies, the one examining social impacts of mobile phones and the other environmental impacts of household refrigerators. Selected behavioural models from social-psychological theories are analysed. The barriers to sustainable consumption are highlighted. A model is developed to illustrate the factors stimulating changes in behaviour, and design intervention strategies are highlighted with their application within DfSB.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274916
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