haku: @indexterm Careers / yhteensä: 508
viite: 78 / 508
Tekijä:Özbilgin, M.
Küskü, F.
Erdogmus, N.
Otsikko:Explaining influences on career 'choice': the case of MBA students in comparative perspective
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : NOV, VOL. 16:11, p. 2000-2028
Asiasana:business schools
United Kingdom
Vapaa asiasana:MBA
Tiivistelmä:This study explores the micro-individual (here as: m-ind.), meso-institutional (as: m-inst.) and relational (as: rel.) and macro-structural (as: m-str.) level influences on career choices (here as: c-chs.) of MBA students from Britain, Israel and Turkey. The apparent dominance of 'free choice' is questioned in the context of persistent forms of structural constraints in career markets. The main hypothesis is that 'it is more likely for the MBA students to report micro-agentic or m-inst. and rel. rather than m-str. conditions as key influences on their c-chs.' Drawing on the findings of a cross-national survey on careers involving the three countries, it is shown that MBA students consider the impact of structural conditions as less significant on their career choices than their own human capital and capacity to make free choices. The study provides an understanding of the main cross-national similarities and differences in reporting of influences on career 'choice'.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260045
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