haku: @indexterm community planning / yhteensä: 51
viite: 19 / 51
Tekijä:Naylor, T.
Willimon, W.
Osterberg, R.
Otsikko:The search for community in the workplace
Lehti:Business and Society Review
1996 : 97, p. 42-47
Tiivistelmä:No word appears more often today in the literature on corporate human resources and organizational development than community. Everyone seems to be talking about the possibility and desirability of creating community in the workplace, but few have ever experienced real community or have any clue about how to go about building a community. What is a community? Is it possible to create a community in a private profit-making business, a government bureaucracy, or a nonprofit school, college, hospital, or charitable organization? How do we know whether a particular business or enterprise is a community or not?
SCIMA tietueen numero: 155416
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