haku: @indexterm Creativity / yhteensä: 512
viite: 47 / 512
Tekijä:Buijs, J.
Smulders, F.
Meer, H. van der
Otsikko:Towards a more realistic creative problem solving approach
Lehti:Creativity and innovation management
2009 : DEC, VOL. 18:4 p. 286-298
Asiasana:problem solving
project management
Vapaa asiasana:content finding
acceptance finding
information finding
Tiivistelmä:The article explores multi-step diamond models for creative problem solving(CPS). Real-life technical problem's case history in which CPS techniques were applied is a source of inspiration for new approaches to CPS. Three simultaneous processes are proposed: content finding, information finding, and acceptance finding. Project management is identified as the fourth concurrent process as it is needed to manage the three others in concrete in-company projects. Characteristics of each process are discussed and analyzed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273516
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