haku: @indexterm Creativity / yhteensä: 512
viite: 41 / 512
Tekijä:Yigitcanlar, T.
Otsikko:Planning for knowledge-based urban development: global perspectives
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2009 : VOL. 13:5, p.228-242
Asiasana:knowledge management
urban areas
urban development
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of this paper is to examine the engineering of creative urban regions through knowledge-based urban development. In recent years, city administrators realised how important the engineering and orchestrating of knowledge city formation through visioning and planning is for economic, socio-cultural and physical development. For that, a new development paradigm of "knowledge-based urban development" is outlined, quickly finding implementation ground around the globe. The article reviews the literature and inspects global best practice experiences to determine how cities are engineering their creative urban regions so as to found a base for knowledge city formation. The paper sheds light on various development approaches for creative urban regions, and concludes with proposals for urban administrations planning for knowledge-based development of creative urban regions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275617
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