haku: @indexterm business schools / yhteensä: 519
viite: 186 / 519
Tekijä:Yeoh, P-L.
Otsikko:International business education: Identifying the emergent topics in international business and their relevance for knowledge development
Lehti:Journal of Teaching in International Business
2001 : VOL. 13:2, p. 7-27
Business schools
Tiivistelmä:The objective of this exploratory study is to better understand emerging themes in International Business (IB) education from the perspective of leading IB scholars. Seven major IB topical areas are uncovered and their relative importance on three levels of knowledge development are examined: awareness, understanding, and competency. Significant differences were found with respect to the importance of these factors on the three levels of knowledge development. Findings suggest that both awareness and understanding are necessary for Technology Issues and the Political-Economy Environment.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 238491
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