haku: @indexterm business schools / yhteensä: 519
viite: 184 / 519
Tekijä:Rudin, J.P.
Otsikko:The collapse of Barings Bank: An archival case for international management education
Lehti:Journal of Teaching in International Business
2001 : VOL. 13:2, p. 99-110
Business failures
Business schools
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:Types of international business cases include living cases, learner-generated cases, and documentary cases. This paper assesses archival cases, which can be reconstructed entirely from publicly-available documents. The collapse of Barings Bank presents an excellent example of an archival case. This paper sketches a brief outline of the facts of the case, then reviews extant archival material pertaining to the Barings affair. The archival material includes three web-sites, four books, and even a video dramatizing the case.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 238496
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