haku: @indexterm business schools / yhteensä: 519
viite: 26 / 519
Tekijä:Chan, K.C.
Chang, C.H.
Chen, C.R.
Otsikko:Financial research in the European region: A long-term assessment (1990-2008)
Lehti:European Financial Management
2011 : MAR, VOL. 17:2, p. 391-411
Asiasana:academic research
business schools
North America
Tiivistelmä:This paper provides a long-term comprehensive assessment of financial research in the European region. As a group, the European academic institutions perform very well during the 1990-2008 period, showing a steady increase in the share of global financial research. The top five institutions during the period were London Business School, INSEAD, Sir John Cass Business School, London School of Economics, and Erasmus University Rotterdam. Many of the leading European scholars received their training and had prior experience in North American institutions. It is found that a high ranking of the scholars' affiliated and doctoral granting institutions is correlated with finance research productivity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272530
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