haku: @indexterm Business schools / yhteensä: 519
viite: 32 / 519
Tekijä:Simola, S.K.
Otsikko:Use of a 'coping-modeling, problem-solving' program in business ethics education
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2010 : OCT II, VOL. 96:3, p. 383-401
Asiasana:business schools
business ethics
decision making
problem solving
Vapaa asiasana:teaching
Tiivistelmä:There are a number of factors setting significant challenges to effective business ethics education identified by scholars. This article presents a 'coping-modeling, problem-solving' (or CMPS) approach (by Cunningham, 2006) as a way for addressing these concerns. A rationale supporting the use of the CMPS framework for courses on ethical decision-making in business is provided, following implementation processes. Evaluative data gathered from undergraduate business students (N=101) enrolled in a 3rd year required course on ethical decision making in business indicated the CMPS model as a promising alternative for both overcoming teaching challenges and for easing skill acquisition in the areas of ethical recognition, judgment, and action.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274017
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