haku: @indexterm Compensation / yhteensä: 524
viite: 92 / 524
Tekijä:Heywood, J. S.
Siebert, W. S.
Wei, X.
Otsikko:The implicit wage costs of family friendly work practices
Lehti:Oxford Economic Papers
2007 : APR, VOL 59:2, p. 275-300
Vapaa asiasana:compensation wage
family friendly practices
income effect
Tiivistelmä:The authors argue that the provisions of family practices is on balance, costly only to firms and valuable to workers. The paper uses WER 98 linked employer-employee data, finding that workers overstate their access to family friendly practices. The authors also suggest a surprisingly high compensating wage differential of around 20%, which however depends critically on a treatment model designed to purge typical estimates of the income effect.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264187
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