haku: @indexterm Compensation / yhteensä: 524
viite: 91 / 524
Tekijä:Frey, B.S.
Otsikko:Awards as compensation
Lehti:European management review
2007 : SPRING, VOL. 4:1, p. 6-14
Vapaa asiasana:awards
Tiivistelmä:Awards have been widely used in monarchies and republics, private organizations, non-profit and profit-oriented firms. They take the form of orders, medals, decorations and prizes. However, they have not received much attention. Therefore this paper creates empirically testable hypotheses to analyze the determinants of the supply of awards. The possibility of using awards, the effectiveness of awards, and the capacity to maintain the scarcity value of awards are referred in the hypotheses.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264463
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