haku: @indexterm Compensation / yhteensä: 524
viite: 90 / 524
Tekijä:Skalpe, O.
Otsikko:The CEO gender pay gap in the tourism industry - Evidence from Norway
Lehti:Tourism Management
2007 : VOL. 28:3, p.845-853
Tiivistelmä:This article compares the gender pay gap among chief executive officers (CEOs) in a sample of Norwegian tourism and manufacturing firms. The results confirm that female CEOs are wage discriminated in both sectors. Even though the tourism industry offers women better odds of reaching the top, the gender wage gap is larger in tourism since the female CEOs in this industry are employed in relatively smaller firms that offer less pay than is the case in manufacturing. The results should induce the large female workforce in the tourism industry to pursue more challenging leadership positions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264763
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