haku: @indexterm Compensation / yhteensä: 524
viite: 87 / 524
Tekijä:Balsam, S.
Miharjo, S.
Otsikko:The effect of equity compensation on voluntary executive turnover
Lehti:Journal of Accounting & Economics
2007 : MAR, VOL. 43:1, p. 95-119
Asiasana:executive remuneration
equity capital
stock options
Tiivistelmä:Equity compensation provides incentives for executives to remain with the firm to avoid missing of restricted shares and/or the value of stock options (here as: opts.) held. It is shown empirically that the intrinsic value of unexercisable in-the-money opts., the time value of unexercised opts., and the value of restricted shares are inversely related to voluntary executive turnover. These findings hold for CEOs and non-CEOs alike. While paying excess cash compensation also reduces turnover, the effect is less pronounced than that of equity compensation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266065
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