haku: @journal_id 842 / yhteensä: 53
viite: 38 / 53
Tekijä:Wu, Yingxin
Otsikko:All-directional interests expansion and inflation (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Journal of Sun Yatsen University (c)
1996 : 3, p.11-16
Tiivistelmä:This paper considers that one of the in-depth reasons for the creation and intensifying of inflation since the economic reform was carried out in China is the all-directional interests expansion. In the production field, the interests expansion has led to the unbalance between the structure of products and that of industries and also promoted the inflated investment. In the exchange field, it has caused the expansion of credit scale and money oversupply and the misbehavior of foreign trade enterprises. This paper also describes the manifestation of interests expansion and its bad results in the fields of distribution and consumption, and points out that interests restricting mechanism must be established to tame inflation
SCIMA tietueen numero: 152598
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