haku: @indexterm International capital market / yhteensä: 53
viite: 12 / 53
Tekijä:Doukas, J.
Switzer, L.N.
Otsikko:Common stock returns and international listing announcements: Conditional tests of the mild segmentation hypothesis
Lehti:Journal of Banking and Finance
2000 : MAR, VOL. 24:3, p. 471-502
Asiasana:Stock returns
Market segmentation
International capital market
Tiivistelmä:Recent theoretical work on mild segmentation suggests that tests of dual listing should be conducted as joint tests: (a) a test of changes in market integration that may affect asset returns through investors portfolio reallocations as the choice set changes, and (b) a test of changing risk premium/information effects. Our analysis concentrates on both the period surrounding the earliest public announcements by Canadian companies of their intentions to seek a US listing for their common shares as well as the date of US listing during the period 1985-96.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 215850
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