haku: @indexterm Economic systems / yhteensä: 532
viite: 64 / 532
Tekijä:Wen, Ling
Zhang, Guoping
Otsikko:Industrial investment funds: route choice of China's reform of investment and financing system (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Special Zone Economy (c)
1999 : 2, p.23-24
Tiivistelmä:At the present stage, industrial investment funds to be set up in China should be essentially positioned at industrial investment rather than security investment. Participate actively in the vitalization of stock assets of state-owned enterprises, support the reform f state-owned enterprises and the adjustment of industrial structure, continually improve the quality of assets and expand the scale of assets on the basis of returns of asset benefits. In this course, the scale of funds should be designed correctly; standard operational mechanism should be established; effective organizational pattern should be chosen; issue benefit vouchers to non-resident investors; consider establishing self-discipline organizations of industrial investment funds industry and perfecting the management of the industry of industrial investment fund.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197483
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