haku: @indexterm Economic systems / yhteensä: 532
viite: 59 / 532
Tekijä:Lin, Ling
Liu, Shiqin
Otsikko:The current state of China's state-owned economy arrangement and adjusting direction (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Reform of Economic System (c)
1999 : 3, p.4-24
Tiivistelmä:State-owned economy should strengthen strategic area, gradually withdraw from competitive area, improve its regional arrangement and adjust the organization structure of enterprises, adhering to the principle of doing some things and refraining from doing some others. The measures of adjustment are as follows: (1) determine strategic categories and enterprise list, design the measures of the state to control these categories and enterprise; (2) determine the withdrawing categories and steps of state-owned economy. The author proposes three types: immediate, gradual and coexisting; (3) propose the concrete ways for state-owned economy to withdraw from competitive area, 7 options of channels and the set of reform measures; (4) put emphasis on development capital market. The attached list is made by the author according to the investigation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197577
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