haku: @indexterm Stress / yhteensä: 534
viite: 25 / 534
Tekijä:Mohr, A. T.
Puck, J. F.
Otsikko:Role conflict, general manager job satisfaction and stress and the performance of IJVs
Lehti:European Management Journal
2007 : FEB, VOL. 25: 1, p. 25-35
job satisfaction
joint business ventures
role conflict
Tiivistelmä:This article analyses the effects of inter-sender role conflicts experienced by managers of International Joint Ventures (IJVs) on their individual job satisfaction and job stress. The authors tested empirically the relationship using data gathered through a questionnaire survey carried out among general managers of German-Indian joint ventures. The results show that managers experiencing a high level of role conflict also report lower level of job satisfaction and higher job stress of IJV managers.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264662
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