haku: @indexterm Stress / yhteensä: 534
viite: 233 / 534
Tekijä:Ashford, S. J.
Lee, C.
Bokko, P.
Otsikko:Content, causes, and consequences of job insecurity : a Theory-based measure and substantive test.
Lehti:Academy of Management Journal
1989 : DEC, VOL. 32:4, p. 803-829
Tiivistelmä:Causes and consequences of job insecurity are studied, developing a new theory-based job insecurity measure incorporating recent conceptual arguments, and using this measure to test several substantive hypotheses about the antecedents and consequences of job insecurity suggested by prior theory. The pattern of presented results supports the argument that personal, job and organizational realities associated with a perceived lack of predictability and control may induce perceptions of job insecurity. It is shown that job insecurity is associated with attitudinal reactions like declines in commitment, trust in an organization, and job satisfaction and with a rise in intentions to quit.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 71787
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