haku: @indexterm WORKING CONDITIONS / yhteensä: 535
viite: 38 / 535
Tekijä:Bacon, N.
Blyton, P.
Dastmalchian, A.
Otsikko:The significance of working time arrangements accompanying the introduction of teamworking: evidence from employees
Lehti:British Journal of Industrial Relations
2005 : DEC, VOL. 43:4, p. 681-701
Asiasana:hours of work
team work
working conditions
Tiivistelmä:This paper reports a study where the introduction of teamworking was accompanied by negotiated changes in working time patterns, involving some employees transferring to a 5-shift, 8-hour pattern, others to a 5-shift, 12-hour pattern. Employee attitude surveys before and after the changes indicate those moving to 12-hour working much more satisfied with both working time and other changes, compared with those remaining on 8-hour shifts. The creation of extra non-work days was seen as the major advantage of the longer shifts, which compensated for the harder work regime identified under teamworking and greater rigidity of the 5-shift system.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260357
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