haku: @indexterm organizational learning / yhteensä: 536
viite: 62 / 536
Tekijä:Klein, J.
Connell, C.
Jasimuddin, S.
Otsikko:Who needs memory? The case for the Markovian organisation
Lehti:Knowledge management research & practice
2007 : MAY, VOL. 5:2, p. 110-116
Asiasana:knowledge management
organizational learning
Vapaa asiasana:organizational memory
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores the contradiction of organisational memory (henceforth as: org-mem.), that is: an organisation (here as: org./orgs.) requires a memory to operate effectively, but that same memory inhibits and constrains its ability to operate effectively. A conceptual framework pioneered by Schultze and Stabell for examining contradictions in the area of knowledge management (KM) is introduced. This framework is used to distinguish btw. the conventional view and a constructivist view of org-mem. From the latter emerges a picture of the Markovian organization: an org. whose future behaviour is determined not by memories of the past but by its current state.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266366
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