haku: @indexterm organizational learning / yhteensä: 536
viite: 30 / 536
Tekijä:Driel, H. van
Bogenrieder, I.
Otsikko:Memory and learning: Selecting users in the port of Rotterdam, 1883-1900
Lehti:Business history
2009 : SEP, VOL. 51:5 p. 649-667
Asiasana:organizational learning
local government
Tiivistelmä:During the last decades of the 19th century, the port of Rotterdam went through very strong growth. Changing views and concrete experiences induced the port to widen the initially limited circle of regular users of berths. This case is studied in order to increase understanding of the dynamic interrelationship between organizational memory and learning. The presented study of deliberations by the Rotterdam government - to a remarkable degree representing the preferences of the local business elite - demonstrates how so-called lower order learning on the level of routines induces a so-called higher order learning on the level of beliefs. It is suggested the traumatic nature of initial experiences which are part of organizational memory may hinder the deliberation of beliefs and therefore retard higher order learning.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273258
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