haku: @indexterm MODELS / yhteensä: 5362
viite: 414 / 5362
Tekijä:Feroz, E. H.(et al.)
Otsikko:Global warming and environmental production efficiency ranking of the Kyoto Protocol nations
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Management
2009 : FEB, VOL. 90:2, p. 1178-1183
Asiasana:global warming
Vapaa asiasana:UNO Kyoto Protocol(the United Nations Organization
environmental production efficiency ranking
environmental performance
NG(national governments or NGs hereafter)
Tiivistelmä:This article analyzes the United Nations Organization's Kyoto Protocol nations to address two questions. 1) what are the environmental production efficiency rankings of these nations? 2) Is there a relationship between a nation's ratification status and its environmental production efficiency ranking? It is found and suggested that the nations that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol are more likely to be environmentally production efficient as compared to the nations that have not ratified the Protocol.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274297
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