haku: @indexterm MODELS / yhteensä: 5362
viite: 410 / 5362
Tekijä:Dölarslan, E. S.
Otsikko:A review of post-modern management techniques as currently applied to Turkish forestry
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Management
2009 : JAN, VOL. 90:1, p. 25-35
Asiasana:forestry industry
Vapaa asiasana:post-modern management applications
Tiivistelmä:This article reviews the effects of six post-modern management concepts as applied to Turkish forestry. Turkish forestry has been constrained, both in terms of its operations and internal organization, by a highly bureaucratic system. The application of new thinking in forestry management that resulted in new organizational and production concepts that promise to address problems specific to this Turkish industry and bring about positive changes. This author elucidates these specific issues and demonstrate how post-modern management thinking is influencing the administration and operational capacity of Turkish forestry within its current structure.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274324
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