haku: @indexterm Models / yhteensä: 5362
viite: 404 / 5362
Tekijä:Burger, P.
Daub, C-H.
Scherrer, Y.M.
Otsikko:New perspectives on sustainable business (editorial)
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2009 : VOL. 85, SUPPL. 3, p. 479-481
Asiasana:sustainable development
corporate responsibility
social responsibility
competitive advantage
Vapaa asiasana:CSR
Tiivistelmä:This editorial presents this Special issue of the title. The articles are the following:
"Risk management as a tool for sustainability" by F.C. Krysiak ;
"The precautionary principle as a framework for a sustainable information society" by C. Som, L.M. Hilty and A.R. Köhler ;
"Strategy development: Conceptual framework on corporate social responsibility" by T. Hanke and W. Stark ;
"Sustainability-driven implementation of corporate social responsibility: Application of the integrative sustainability triangle " by A. Kleine and M. von Hauff ;
"Toward dynamic corporate stakeholder responsibility from corporate social responsibility toward a comprehensive and dynamic view of corporate stakeholder responsibility" by S. Sachs and M. Maurer ;
"The PEARL model: Gaining competitive advantage through sustainable development " by M. Bilgin ;
"Environmental conservation NGOs and the concept of sustainable development: A research into the value systems of Greenpeace International, WWF International and IUCN International" by Y.M. Scherrer ;
"Doing the right thing right: The role of sociological research and consulting for corporate engagement in development cooperation" by C-H. Daub and Y.M. Scherrer.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274335
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