haku: @indexterm Macroeconomics / yhteensä: 544
viite: 368 / 544
Tekijä:Jacquemin, A.
Otsikko:Acteurs prives et publics : de la macroeconomie a la strategie.
Lehti:Gestion 2000
1986 : VOL. 2:4, p. 17-27
Tiivistelmä:Competition is not a set of interactions between passive agents who take for granted the existing market structure and the behavior of competitors. It is a dynamic game where the introduction of new products and new systems of production influence equilibrium outcomes within the given rules of the game or change the rules themselves. To understand the problem of competitiveness it is necessary to overcome the study of macroeconomic aggregates and to analyze those strategic relations where firms and governments are actors holding various degrees of power. This approach will considerably increase the efficiency of economic research at any level.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 51902
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