haku: @indexterm Employee attitudes / yhteensä: 557
viite: 75 / 557
Tekijä:Schneider, B. (et al.)
Otsikko:Which comes first: employee attitudes or organizational financial and market performance?
Lehti:Journal of Applied Psychology
2003 : OCT, VOL. 88:5, p. 836-851
Asiasana:Employee attitudes
Financial performance
Job satisfaction
Vapaa asiasana:Market performance
Tiivistelmä:Employee attitude from 35 companies over 8 years were analyzed at the organizational level of analysis against financial (return on assets; ROA) and market performance (earnings per share; EPS) data using lagged analysis permitting exploration of priority in likely causal ordering. Statistically significant and stable relationships were found in the analyses across various time lags for 3 of 7 scales.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253380
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