haku: @indexterm Museums / yhteensä: 56
viite: 35 / 56
Tekijä:Mairesse, F.
Eeckaut, P. V.
Otsikko:Museum Assessment and FDH Technology: Towards a Global Approach
Lehti:Journal of Cultural Economics
2002 : NOV, VOL. 26:4, p. 261-286
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents a global approach for museum assessment. The authors conceptualise a museum as an entity which needs to be evaluated according to three well defined tasks: preservation, research and communication, and outcomes. The authors propose a methodology based on the determination of efficiency frontiers. This method uses a deterministic non parametric and non convex technology (Free Disposal Hull). The authors analyse technical efficiency, but also scale efficiency with a new restrictive scale approach. The authors present an ordering of museums into classes representing a level of performance with respect to the three required tasks. The authors illustrate their analysis using a three year database of museums from the French speaking region of Belgium.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 245853
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