haku: @indexterm CONSUMER SATISFACTION / yhteensä: 567
viite: 43 / 567
Tekijä:Hume, M.
Mort, G.S.
Otsikko:Satisfaction in performing arts: the role of value?
Lehti:European Journal of Marketing
2008 : VOL. 42:3/4, p. 311-326
value analysis
consumer satisfaction
Vapaa asiasana:performing arts
Tiivistelmä:This paper aims to report on the structure and relationships btw. value and satisfaction (henceforth as: s-fn.) in a cultural performing (here as: prf. ) arts setting to identify the structure of s-fn. in the prf. arts context. Examined are customer attitudes to value, show experience quality and peripheral (as: prh-al.) service quality (here as: p-s-q.) in a high arts setting through a questionnaire. The set of questions used the most recent scale measures for constructs in the area of services, especially experiential services. AMOS 5.0 structural equation modeling is used to test the data. It is reported that value mediates the relationship of show experience quality and p-s-q. to s-fn. and the direct link of these pathways to s-fn. was not significant. Supported is the notion that customers determine service s-fn. based on attribute performance of the show and prh. service aspects, and derive value from this. This research informs cultural organization managers of the importance of delivering high levels of service quality and show experience to offer a value for money experience.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269129
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