haku: @journal_id 33 / yhteensä: 575
viite: 11 / 575
Tekijä:Isagawa, N.
Otsikko:Open-market repurchase announcements and stock price behavior in inefficient markets
Lehti:Financial Management
2002 : AUTUMN, VOL. 31:3, p. 5-20
Asiasana:Financial markets
Share prices
Financial models
Tiivistelmä:The author asks why a firm would choose to buy back its outstanding shares after the stock price goes up in response to an open-market repurchase announcement. He introduces the subject of market inefficiency and establish a signaling equilibrium that does not assume that an announcement of open-market repurchase represents a commitment. Since the firm can earn capital gains by buying its outstanding shares at a bargain price, it has a strong incentive to execute stock repurchases even after it announces repurchase intention. The model predicts positive long-run stock return performance and positive announcement effects following open-market repurchase announcements.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 242887
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